Sunday, October 6, 2013

What College Funding?

In today’s economy and society, college has become very expensive! Scholarships are harder to attain and gain now more than ever. Previously, students coming from middle to lower income families would receive scholarships based on merit, however, that money now goes towards the better off students, who might be considered a better candidate for the college of their choice. These scholarships are no longer granted based on need, but rather, on whom the admissions counselors think deserve to attend the college.
The choices that these academic counselor’s are making could possibly negatively impact the government and economy. People that actually need help paying for college are no longer granted the help they once received. In the article, Max Russell was interviewed about his problems attaining financial aid for college. During his junior year, of high school, his dad died and his family members began working twenty-five hours a week. Unfortunately, Max’s study time was intervened by his job, as his grade point average was drastically affected. Max had to attend a community college for a few years in order to qualify for student loans, which allowed him to go to Purdue. On the other hand, Max’s wealthy friend was granted a full ride to his top school.
I think that this has gotten entirely out of hand. The economy is not being fair by not offering students who come from lower income families more money than students that come from well off families. And yes, it makes sense that the rich kids have better grades, mainly because they have the option of paying for tutors and outside helpers to help them get into college and basically do their homework and write their college essays for them. Also, the rich kids do not have to work jobs and instead have time to do homework and play sports. Although all kids face hardships, the hardships amongst the poor seem to usually be more serious and end up taking more time out of their day, generally, than the rich kids. Even though the rich kids have worked hard to attain their grades, well, some at least, it is important to develop scholarships for all different types of kids from all different backgrounds with all different life stories.
People are always complaining about how the government spending is going to the wrong places and this is definitely one of them. As social security funding decreases, college funding increases but only offers money for the wrong reasons. The government should offer all types of students who make all different types of grades and test scores scholarships, not just the smartest kids on paper, but the well rounded kids as well and the quirky one’s as well.

Rampell, Catherine. “Freebies for the Rich.” The New York Times Magazine, 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2013.

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